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Have a website to redesign?

Website Designs are very personal.

Your website is the face of your company to the world.

If your website is done correctly it can be an equalizer, a way you and your competition can appear on the same playing field and it allows you to send any message to your customer. This is an opportunity to provide a look into your business that is not even available with a brick and mortar store.

Website redesign is also very personal considering this is not your first website design rodeo. A website redesign is done for a variety of reasons, but often it is as simple as bringing an old website current with a design and content that fits your current business model.

Designing or redesigning a website is not rocket science but it is very close to it even if the process is quite different from each other. However, the most important part of the process is communicating with the client. Communicating is the difference between success and failure in website designing.

We always begin our process of website designing and/or redesigning by Listening! We listen to the client and remember to incorporate our education and experience into the process because it is really important we help our clients by bringing the client needs to showcase their products/services.

After the first steps of listening to our client, we then move forward with the project and keep our client informed along the way as we make forward progress.

The most important part of the Design/Redesign of a website is that we work together on the project at hand so all parties are ultimately satisfied with the end result.

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